Tuesday 19 April 2011

Tomato, Pepper and Chilli Disaster - It's been a scorcher!

I have just got home from work to find all of my tomato, chilli and pepper plants have been totally scorched / have shrivelled up in the heat today.

I put them into the blowaway (with door down but unzipped so it would flap around in the breeze) this morning before work, as I have done on any days where the temp was to be above 15 degrees. They all had a good water before I left, pots were heavy, I didn't think any would be at risk of drying out at all.

However, I think the temps have got even higher than expected today (about 25 degrees) and it must have got so hot in there. Some of the pots have dried up, some of the compost in pots is still moist. But ... the leaves are so damaged, some worse than others.

What on earth do I do? This is the first time I have grown these, I was so pleased with my progress, had given them lots of care and it seems like one hot day has wiped them out. It's so frustrating. The blowaways would have been in sun from about 10am until 3pm so maybe I need to move them to a shadier area when temperatures get this hot? I really don't know. At the moment I think there are a few plants which are done for, but hopefully the others I can just pick off the worst leaves and hope they recover? I have given them all a good water now. Any advice appreciated.

Oh, all other tiny seedlings which were just poking through (Basil, Marigolds, Beetroot etc) have also been frazzled. Some new sowing needed in the coming days now!

Red chilli close up

Another red chilli close up

Last red chilli close up

Tomato plant 7

Red Chillis

Red Peppers

Red Pepper - definitely a goner :-(

Red peppers close up

Tomato plant 1

Tomato plant 2

Tomato plant 3

Tomato plant 4

Tomato plant 5

Tomato plant 6

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