Sunday 3 April 2011

Here comes the sun, and some motivation with it!

Wow, what a difference some good weather makes. We had been having some lovely warm days and it inspired me to take a few hours off of work one Friday afternoon to get home and into the garden. Here is what I got up to.


The front garden/area of our rented house has been covered over with 'decorative' pebbles, presumably to make it low maintenance for tenants and therefore low maintenance for the landlord. However, whoever did the job in the first place made a mess out of it. Instead of using proper weed membrane to stop weeds coming through it looks as if someone has literally laid down black plastic bin liners and then just chucked the pebbles on top. Obviously after a few years this has deteriorated and it now gets overrun with weeds really easily. Over the winter we have neglected it and it was covered with weeds once again. So on my lovely sunny afternoon off I decided to tackle it, not least because the front of the house gets sun all afternoon and it will make a great area for putting lots of my pots on. Getting the best possible crops (fingers crossed). It is about 10 foot by 12 foot and took me 4 hours of weeding on this day and another 3 hours a few days later but the results were worth it! 

After this I took a few notes of how my vegetable were coming along.

Garlic (French Cristo) - all of my garlic had now sprouted with the 8 sown direct 6.3.2011 now having  2-3 inches of growth on them. The 4 garlic which were begun indoors on 21.2.2011 now had about 10 inches of growth but some of the leaves had snapped on a windy day and they were also still a little yellow, probably from a little damage when planted out as I didn't harden them off at all.

After weeding the area in the front of the house I moved my garlic and red onions pots to the front of the house to get lots more sun. 

Red Onions and Garlic in their new position at the front of the house.
Peas (Early Onward) Sown 6.3.2011 - all off these were 6 - 8 inches high and looking healthy from their week of being hardened off.

Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Courgettes (sown on 6.3.2011) - all very weak leggy plants. PSB were about 2-3 inches high and Courgettes about 6-8 inches high and had already begun to sprout two true leaves each but it was far too early to plant them out. Will sow again in mid April and plant out asap after sowing.

Red Peppers (California Wonder) and Chillies (Cayenne) Sown 21.2.2011 - All looked strong. Peppers - approx 2 inches high, each with two true leaves. Chillies - approx 2 inches high, each with 2-4 rue leaves each.


I noticed that all of the onion sets, sown 6.3.2011 had now sprouted little green shoots after being moved to the sunnier position in front of the house the day before, and being given a good water.

Red Onions having sprouted since their relocation.

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