Saturday 16 April 2011

It's Thyme to pot on (again)

Ok so the pun in the title is a little lame, but it had to be done. Being another lovely sunny afternoon I got out into the garden again for a few hours today. 

Tomatoes, Chillies and Peppers

Last week I noticed my tomatoes and some of my peppers and chillies were beginning to look a little yellow. After asking some advice from more knowledgeable people than I on the excellent grow your own forum I came up with a plan. First of all, looking at the bottom of all of my pots I could see that most of the plants had a root or two poking out and therefore were ready for potting on. Maybe giving them some more room and fresh compost would help to green them up again! So I potted on as follows:
  • Three tomato plants from 5 inch to 6 inch pots and four from 4 inch to 5 inch pots
  • Two red chilli plants from 3.5 inch to 5 inch pots and three from 3 inch to 4 inch pots
  • 1 red pepper plant from 3 inch to 5 inch pots, four from 3 inch to 3.5 inch pots and two from 3 inch to 4 inch pots
Once potted up I watered them in with water with added miracle grow all purpose food. It has now been 8 weeks since they were first sown so a good dose of food is needed as I think there will be very little (if any) nutrients left in the compost now. I will continue to feed once a week from now and then switch to Tomatorite food once the fruit begins to set.  As it was suny all were left in the blowaway in the sun for a few hours and then brought indoors. Once indoors I thought it wouldn't hurt to give them a spritz of water (with added epsom salts) on the leaves just in case the yellowing issue is a magnesium deficiency. I guess we will wait and see.

Lots of potting on to do
Roots of one of my tomato plants - definitely ready for a bigger home. Into a bigger pot it went.
All the toms, chillies and peppers brought inside once the temperature began to drop in the garden. Looking a little droopy in their new pots. Hopefully they will perk up later.

Rosemary and Thyme

The herb garden begins! After a trip to the garden centre this morning we bought ourselves a Rosemary and Thyme plant (being our favourite and most used herbs). I hope to gets lots more herbs on the go too, but want to grow some others from seed, I just couldn't wait that long to have some to pick so a few bought plants it is. They smell AMAZING! Coming in 5 inch pots but more than ready to move into a bigger home I potted them on into 10 inch pots and watered them in with the same miracle grow water. I'll give them a good few weeks to get comfortable before I dare to pick any off. 

Thyme and Rosemary in their small pots bought from the garden centre this morning. With the size of pot they went into on the right. Gravel in the bottom for drainage.

Roots of the rosemary plant. Definitely ready for a bigger home. I hope it settles in well.

Rosemary and Thyme in their new pots. Now lets wait and see if they grow.
A few other updates. Potatoes in the potato sack are still sprouting nicely but no movement in the others yet. Two of my basil seeds and two of the Moneymaker tomato seeds sown in modules have sprouted in the last day or two. Along with the rocket seeds planted in the strawberry planter. All other seeds sown last weekend are a no show so far. 

Tiny rocket leaves poking out.

Flowers, Flowers, Flowers

My first proper strawberry flower :-)

By the looks of this lots more will be on the way soon.
Gorgeous broad bean flowers
My 'The Bride' Anenomies are sprouting in my hanging basket. Can't wait to see the flowers.

Wildflowers really coming along now.

With some fairly good temperatures predicted for this week (15 - 20 degrees during the day) I plan to get everything outdoors in the blowaways for the day to get some good light/sun and toughen up ready for planting out permanently soon. Night time temperatures are still predicted at less than 10 degree's so no staying out at night for anything other than the recently sown broad beans and peas for now.

I may sow some French Beans tomorrow as these should be OK to plant out in the planter soon. Maybe I'll leave it another week though. I don't really have the room in the house to shelter any more fragile seedlings at the moment. That reminds me, I really must look up what the last frost date for my area is. I hope its soon. I really need my windowsills back!

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