Monday 30 May 2011

A month of progress

Wow I can't believe that is has been a whole month since I posted on here. With training for a 20 mile walk, searching for a job and planning and wedding and a house move I have just about kept up with the essentials of keeping my plants alive. However, some were in desperate need of potting on and there were things to harvest, so I thought I had better spend a fair few hours in the garden this weekend whilst the weather was good.

Today has mainly consisted of lots of potting on, mainly into their final pots. Tomatoes are all now in their final homes and out on the patio. They have some good support from canes and ties, lets see how they fair out in the elements having had some protection over the last few weeks living in the blowaways (albeit with the doors open all the time). My two courgette plans are looking nice and healthy after not even 24 hours in their final pots. French beans are climbing away and my peas and broad beans are finally showing some excellent growth in developing pods. 
We have also managed to harvest some strawberries for a yummy breakfast this morning (10 to be exact) and some radishes for a salad tonight. I also couldn't resist picking the most developed of the pea and broad bean pods just to see what they were like. The peas were heavenly, can't see them ever making it to the table, we ate them like natures sweeties. 

Well, if you are anything like me, pictures speak a thousand words so I will just upload some pics showing the progress made so far. 

Vince Periwinckle Strawberries
Cherry Belle Radishes

Sutton Broad Beans

First Early Onward Pea harvest. 7 of the sweetest peas I have ever tasted

Flower buds on First Early Charlotte Potatoes

Early Onward Peas

Lavendar Pappillion Strawberries

My ever constant little helper

Potato corner, or should that be jungle?

Red Pepper Flowers

Baby strawberries in planter

Flowers on Gardners Delight Tomatoes

Close up of tomato flower

African Marigold in bloom

Baby beetroot
French bean planter

Harvested cherry belle radishes

First broad bean pod harvested

Harvested strawberries

Yummy yogurt, granola and home grown strawberry breakfast

Patio at the end of the day - it has become a tomato jungle

Onions beginning to form larger bulbs (although hard to see here)

A few days work over, view from the lounge.

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